As we listen to our government officials at all levels, we hear many talking about spending cuts. But, are they really cuts? For example, in Maryland, if I add-up all of the so-called spending cuts made during the past 7 years, taxes should have decreased by $3 Billion, and individual tax bills should have decreased […]
What’s New with Rich
Santa Clause, Easter Bunnies, and Catastrophic Global Warming
I never deny climate change… the climate has been changing since the beginning of time. I simply reject hysteria and theories that suggest catastrophic … [Read More...]
Nullification? Easy as one-two-three!
One of the prized pieces of advice I gave my children when they graduated college is this: “MOST EXPERTS AREN’T.” So, why do “experts” on the political right … [Read More...]
State of Carroll County Address
Commissioner Richard Rothschild January 15, 2013 Good Morning, Commissioner Howard- asked me to go last… I’m Not sure whether I’m batting cleanup to generate excitement, or whether he was hoping we’d run out of time before I speak. Attacks on our … [Read More...]
Pro-spending activists want you to believe funding for schools, law enforcement, and public safety was slashed in Carroll County. It wasn’t. True, I supported property tax cuts, but county budgets still increased during the past 4 years. I also voted … [Read More...]
Sample Post with Embedded Video
Commissioner Richard Rothschild of County Carroll MD Discusses Common Core … [Read More...]