Pro-spending activists want you to believe funding for schools, law enforcement, and public safety was slashed in Carroll County.
It wasn’t.
True, I supported property tax cuts, but county budgets still increased during the past 4 years. I also voted against budgets that used risky O’Malley-style financial gymnastics to increase ongoing spending with one-time cash.
In 2010, voters fired every commissioner for wasteful spending. Along with liberals on the BoE, they built an overpriced oversized $80M school that sits 40% underutilized. The BoE now demands another $30 million in taxes, while enrollments continue to decline.
County education funding, including pensions and debt service increased from $178.4M in 2011 to $184.4M in 2014. Meanwhile, enrollments declined 1,200 students. Most new spending went to pensions and paychecks. Yet, liberal politicians, posing as Republicans, have the audacity to claim there were “no increases.” Most teachers received a step increase of 2.5% in 2012; 2.5% bonuses in 2013; and 3.0% bonuses in 2014. Activists play word games by claiming these aren’t technically “increases.”
You hired me to stop foolish spending. I did.
I blocked two commissioners’ demands to write a $3M check to exit the incinerator contract. They wanted an expedient political victory regardless of price. Disgraceful. Instead, I initiated legal negotiations that reduced the exit fee by $2 Million. Rather than applaud this achievement, the Carrol County Times ran front-page articles whining about legal expenses. Only on the back page do you learn the $2M savings from these negotiations was ten times larger than all legal expenses combined for the four-year period.
Let’s summarize.
Nothing was slashed. I simply reduced the growth rate of government. Establishment politicians hate this, so they create slogans like “vote sanity”. What they really mean is “vote liberal.”
Now for the bad news:
Many conservatives did not vote in the June primaries. Government union-backed candidates won every primary election except District 4 commissioner. This means I am likely the only remaining official that can bring objectivity to the budgeting process. Why? Because, I am the only candidate that is not beholden to government labor organizations.
This raises a question. Can Rothschild make a difference?
I went nose-to-nose with Annapolis, and said, “Absolutely no,” to the Rain Tax. We have no Rain Tax.
I went nose-to-nose on Fox News, in direct opposition to the federal government and said, “No Way” when Obama tried to transport illegal aliens into Westminster. They abandoned their scheme.
I opposed O’Malley’s new gun laws by writing Maryland’s first nullification resolution prohibiting the use of county resources to enforce unconstitutional components of his gun-grab. Two additional counties passed similar versions of my Second Amendment Preservation Resolution.
Recently, I lead efforts to teach rural counties how to stop EPA regulatory assaults on our farmers and businesses. The National Environmental Policy Act requires agencies to “coordinate” with county governments BEFORE administering harmful regulations. They didn’t. Instead, they assumed we would “collaborate” and simply roll-over. I won’t.
Obama’s federal agencies routinely ignore the law and behave like schoolyard bullies, hurting our farmers, businesses, and schools with expensive mandates. Now, local governments, with leadership from rural counties, including Carroll, can stop these oppressive mandates by standing-up to the bully.
We will.
So what’s the point?
The Constitution will not enforce itself. Republicans want leaders that will defend their freedoms with knowledge and conviction. I do.
Congressman Roscoe Bartlett, Andy Harris, Ellen Sauerbrey, and Dan Bongino endorse me because they know the truth.
Ellen Sauerbrey said, “Richard is a conservative with a backbone. He understands what made America great and fights tirelessly to preserve the fundamental principles of limited government and personal freedom. He has demonstrated great courage under fire.”
If you trust me with your vote, I will continue to oppose the Godless, Socialist, Big-Government Agenda of the left.
I’m Commissioner Richard Rothschild, and I thank you in advance for your vote on November 4th.
Also, learn about the ONLY conservatives running for the Board of Education… Harmening, Nason, and Roenick at You can also hear from Roscoe Bartlett.
Thanks, and may God Bless You.
Commissioner Richard Rothschild, Unwavering Conservative Leadership
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